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Raul Bobet Wine Dinner and Shop Tasting

July 29, 2015

傳奇釀酒師Raul Bobet與多位朋友早前在FoFo PRIVAT享受了一頓愉快的晚宴,侍酒師Vincent和大廚Alex特地設計了為當晚而設的菜單,再配以Raul的美酒,令人印象深刻。翌日Raul到了我們的中環店和擁躉及其他嘉賓一起試飲,他更和嘉賓拍照,又在酒瓶上簽名,盡顯明星級風範。

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Legendary winemaker Raul Bobet and our most valued guests enjoyed a night of dinner at FoFo PRIVAT, where sommelier Vincent and Chef Alex tailor made the menu exclusively for this occasion and paired them with Raul’s outstanding wines. Surely impressive for everybody. On the next day, Raul  showed up at our shop in Central, not only tasted the wines together with his fans and guests, he also took photos with people and autographed the wine bottles, just like a movie star.

Please log on to the following facebook album for more details and photos :


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